Do you refrain from a great big smile because your teeth are pointy or chipped? You are not alone.
Whether your teeth are naturally pointed or the result of a bad habit, there are simple cosmetic solutions available to you. But first, let’s learn about the habits that can wreck your teeth:
Chewing Ice
Ice can cause damage to teeth by creating small cracks in the enamel. Cracks can grow larger over time and cause a fracture. Avoid getting ice in your drinks if you will be tempted to chew.
Piercing your Tongue
Dentists frown upon this trend for several reasons. Not only can piercings cause teeth to chip and break, they can also rub against the gums and cause permanent gum recession. Mouth jewelry can also encourage bacterial buildup, and if you bite down on the jewelry accidentally, this can damage teeth and fillings.
Teeth Grinding
Nearly 40 million Americans grind their teeth, many in their sleep without realizing it. Teeth grinding is often linked to anxiety and stress and causes chipping, cracking, loose teeth and jaw problems. If you notice changes in the shape of your teeth, are getting dull headaches, have a tired or sore jaw, or notice a clicking sound when you open your mouth, see a dentist immediately. A professional will recommend a mouth guard to prevent further problems.
“Teeth grinding is often linked to anxiety and stress and causes chipping,
cracking, loose teeth and jaw problems.”
The simple solutions that can improve your smile:
On each side of the upper and lower incisors is a single canine tooth, making four in total. Many people’s canine teeth are slightly pointed. They may be naturally pointed or worn down by malocclusion, grinding issues or from one of the bad habits mentioned above.
The simple cosmetic solution if you want to achieve a softer look is filing and filling.
First, your dentist can file down and reshape your teeth. If it’s a small enamel chip to a back tooth, it can be fixed using a filling. If it’s a front tooth that is chipped, or your pointed canines, a tooth-colored composite resin through a procedure called bonding is the answer. This resin is added to the sides of the canines, making them look wider at the pointy areas. Filing and filling are both simple procedures, done in one visit, and the cost is minimal. If you have a larger broken tooth, a crown or dental cap may be necessary.
“If it’s a front tooth that is chipped, or your pointed canines, a tooth-colored composite
resin through a procedure called bonding is the answer.”
Whether it’s part of your natural smile or through a bad habit, chipped or pointed teeth can be fixed in one dental visit. The longer you wait to be seen by a professional, the worse the problem can become. Contact us to learn more or to schedule an appointment.